Erik Lindahl - Nationalekonomiska Föreningen


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av JAN BOHLIN · 2010 · Citerat av 14 — Computational general equilibrium models in economic history and an analysis of British capitalist agriculture. Lindahl, E., Dahlgren, E. and Kock, K. (1937). Computational Modeling of Superconductivity and Out-of-Equilibrium Dynamics. Peter Oppeneer, Uppsala universitet 2020-07-01 – 2021-07-01. Computational  Lindahl, doktor i nationalekonomi, Beijerinstitutet, Jonas Nycan der, professor i geofysisk jämvikt, ecs (»equilibrium climate sensitivity«). Vi får från (5) f2×. Solubility equilibrium of Lignin in black liquor .

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In the Lindahl equilibrium, B-supporters must pay 2 for alternative B and zero for A; A-supporters must pay 2 for A and zero for B. At these prices, it is optimal for all agents to choose the lottery that yields A and B with equal probabilities. This lottery also maximizes auctioneer revenue and is thus a Lindahl equilibrium. This paper demonstrates that there is a discrepancy between the ideas expressed by Lindahl in 1919 and the current-day definition of Lindahl equilibrium. It describes how the ideas expressed by Lindahl developed into the equilibrium concept for public good economies that now carries Lindahl’s name. The paper also touches on a seemingly forgotten equilibrium concept for public good economies known as ratio equilibrium, and explains that from an axiomatic perspective this equilibrium concept Definition: For an economy as described above, a Lindahl equilibrium is a price-list (p ∗ x,p ∗ y,p 1,,p n), aproductionallocation(z ∗ 1,,z ∗ m), andaconsumptionallocation(x ∗,y∗ 1,,y ∗ n) that satisfy the conditions (1) Σn 1 p ∗ i = p x, (2) x ∗5 Σm 1 q j and x ∗ = Σm 1 q j if p ∗ x > 0, where q∗ j = f j(z∗ j), j = 1,,m, (3) Σ n 1 y ∗ i +Σ m 1 z ∗ j 5 Σ A Lindahl equilibrium is a state of economic equilibrium under a Lindahl tax as well as a method for finding the optimum level for the supply of public goods or services that happens when the total per-unit price paid by each individual equals the total per-unit cost of the public good.

Lindahl equilibria are analogous to competitive market equilibria in a private goods economy which gives the commonly used, but rather impractical, justification for the Lindahl concept.


The consumers respond by announcing the quantity of public good they want given the shares. The shares are adjusted until all consumers demand the same quantity of the public good—this is the Lindahl equilibrium. The Lindahl equilibrium is an important solution concept in economies with externalities or public goods.

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each consumer purchases a pure public good up to the point at which his or her marginal benefit equals the marginal social cost of the good. b. each person pays a tax per unit of the pure public good equal to his or her marginal benefit. This condition is referred to as the Samuelson condition, the Lindahl-Samuelson condition, or sometimes even the Bowen-Lindahl-Samuelson Condition and is probably familiar to anyone who have taken an intermediate course in public economics.

Lindahl equilibrium

- unlike the standard competitive equilibrium,.
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Lindahl equilibrium

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In the Lindahl equilibrium, B-supporters must pay 2 for alternative B and zero for A; A-supporters must pay 2 for A and zero for B. At these prices, it is optimal for all agents to choose the lottery that yields A and B with equal probabilities.
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We interpret collective choice problems as cooperative bargaining problems and define a set-valued solution concept, the  simultaneously resolving the allocation and distribution problems in an econ- omy with public goods. This solution has come to be known as Lindahl equilibrium. Abstract.

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